KIHONBasics (5 counts per technique)

  1. OI ZUKI (lunge punch-front stance)
  2. AGE UKE (rising block-front stance)  GYAKU ZUKI (reverse punch-front stance)
  3. SOTO UKE (middle inside block-front stance)  GYAKU ZUKI (reverse punch-front stance)
  4. UCHI UKE (middle outside block-front stance)  GYAKU ZUKI (reverse punch-front stance)
  5. GEDAN BARAI (down block-front stance)  GYAKU ZUKI (reverse punch-front stance)
  6. SHUTO UKE (knife hand block-back stance)
  7. MAE GERI (front kick-front stance)
  8. MAWASHI GERI (round kick-front stance)
  9. KAKATO OTOSHI GERI (rising kick to head with leg fully extended)
  10. URA MAWASHI (round hook kick-front stance)
  11. YOKO GERI KEKOMI (side thrust kick-horse stance) 


  1. MAE GERI (front kick-front stance)  OI ZUKI (lunge punch-front stance)

SAMBON KUMITE: (3 stepping forward ATTACKS - Static or stepping) According examiner’s indications. Forward and backward with open counter attack) 

  • 3 JODAN (Upper Level)
  • 3 CHUDAN (Middle Level)
  • 3 MAE GERI (front kick-front stance)
  • 3 MAWASHI GERI (round kick-front stance)
  • 3 YOKO GERI KEKOMI (side thrust kick-horse stance)

KATA: Form (a pre-arranged pattern of defensive and offensive techniques against multiple imaginary opponents)


JUTSU: Grappling

  • Ukemi (falling and rolling) front, rear and side